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Thursday, 28 May 2015 18:23

If I helped you can you help me?

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I have been astonished and humbled by the interest in my blog http://www.mollywatt.com/blog/entry/my-apple-watch-after-5-days and I'd like to thank everybody who read it and shared it.

For me I want to believe each and every person learnt at least 2 things from it, firstly that Usher Syndrome is deafblindness and secondly how important technology and its accessibility features are for people like me as well as other disabilities, including those getting older and their hearing and eyesight not quite so good.

I cannot tell you how many people have contacted me via my website with feedback and I'm very grateful of that and for the many that have enquired, yes I will be blogging on this subject again very soon.

I know I'm very fortunate to have access to the technology I blogged about and to benefit from it and I'd very much like to help others access the things I have that make my life a little less challenging.

I am just one person with Usher Syndrome and there are lots of us here in the UK and around the world, we could all benefit from these things but sadly for so many cost is often the biggest obstacle preventing them from this life enhancing equipment.

For many iPhones, iPads and now Apple Watches may well be fancy gimmicky gadgets but to my community they bring so much more.

As much as I would love to help everybody access what I have it's impossible but I have decided to have a go at raising some money by taking on quite a challenge with another lady, Claire who also has Usher Syndrome to raise some money for the cause by taking part in a Parachute Jump on Friday 26 June 2015.

I am terrified of heights but will be leaping out of an aircraft at 13,000 feet with no hearing aids and of course without my trusty guide dog - Claire is exactly the same.

We have no idea what we will see on the way down and will hear nothing.

Over 200,000 people viewed my #applewatch #accessibility #ushersyndrome #deafblind blog how wonderful would it be if each person donated just £1 to my charity, imagine how many people we would be helping access life enhancing technology of one kind or another.

To donate please click on the link below and help Claire and I support the Usher Community, thank you


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